Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Bringin' out the sillies

Alex and Annika got a little wired this evening after dinner. They were sword fighting and having a screeching contest (thank goodness she finally got tired and wanted to go to bed!!!) Here are a few pictures of the Crazys.

Alex showing off his uvula. This is supposed to be his fierce face.
This is he Jack-O-Lantern smile. He has lost four of them now. He swallowed the first three on accident and the last one is in my jewelry box. He asked me to keep it for him, he doesn't believe in the tooth fairy (or Santa) anymore.
This is Annika's post spaghetti sword fighting outfit. I was talking on the phone and she had the bucket on her head and was after her brother with the end of the stick horse.

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