Monday, August 22, 2005

Adoption Update

Well, here is the latest in our adoption process. David and I went to the NH state required adoption class on Saturday. It was actually very helpful and interesting. We attended the class presented by Kelly Smith and she definitely made it time well spent. It was also nice because we met a couple of other couples who are using our agency and could be in our travel group.

This week we have our final three homestudy meetings. The social worker is coming for the home visit on Thursday meeting. At that point we are just waiting for other people to finish things up so that we can get our paperwork to China. The only things that we really need to finish are our passport pictures. David also needs to finish his autobiography. It has been such a long time between homestudy visits that I don't even feel like we are really adopting. This process already seems so long and we have only started.

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