Thursday, September 29, 2005

Mad Scientist

Future Science Nerd

Alex has realized that I am a science teacher and that this gives him access to all kinds of cool stuff. Since the beginning of the school year, he has discovered microscopes and chemistry. He was really into microscopes until my friend Allison, who teaches chemistry, got him hooked on chemical reactions. She gave him a bottle of vinegar, a box of baking soda, a pipette, and a pie pan and he was in heaven. I think it was the safety gear that really won him over though. I am going to make a safety poster for my classroom out of the picture that I took of him. It only seems fitting since one of his favorite sayings is "Safety First" (He loves the Rescue Heroes). He asks to do "science" almost everyday now.

We have started spending an hour when we get home each afternoon doing some type of activity together. This week it has mainly been crafty things (play dough, foam art, fusible beads), but I want to add some science-y things soon. We need to work on his fine motor skills and this is a way that we can do that and have fun. We've even created a "Craft " drawer in the kitchen filled with crayons, markers, scissors, paper, and other various stuff.

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